The Waters-Wyatt GPC Unit with triple Detection UV-MALS-RI boasts a system with up to four columns for size exclusion chromatography (SEC) of different aqueous polymer and macromolecule samples. The instrument includes a DAWN8 light scattering instrument for absolute characterization of proteins, macromolecules, conjugates, and nanoparticles. This is composed of three different methods for molecule detection. An ultraviolet (UV) detector provides the first mode of molecule detection. A Multi-Angle static Light Scattering (MALS) detector is used for absolute characterization of the molar mass and size of macromolecules and nanoparticles in solution. Additionally, an Optilab rEX measures the differential refractive index (dRI) between the current liquid sample stream and a reference liquid as a third detection mode for determining solution concentration. All this allows for quality separation and detection of various sized molecular weight molecules in aqueous conditions.
Instrument Location
Ammon Pinizzotto Biopharmaceutical Innovation Center
590 Avenue 1743, 2nd Floor, Room 255
Newark, DE 19713
Note: Swipe access to the building, floor, and lab are required.
Instrument Contacts
Primary Contact: William Rears (wrears@udel.edu)
Secondary Contact: Tessa Posey (tposey@udel.edu)
Training Requirements
Use of the Waters-Wyatt GPC Unit with Triple Detection UV-MALS-RI requires special training and approval from both the primary and secondary contacts. Individual use of this instrument is rare. Instead, for those who would like to use this instrument, they should reach out to the primary and secondary contacts to determine sample compatibility and request sample submission.